Thursday, May 13, 2010

Twitter trending topic about #thatsdisturbing

I have just joined the Twitter bandwagon and has become addicted to it. Another thing that makes Twitter the latest Social Network is the trending topic. You get to share your ideas or opinion on such topics by only using 140 characters(minus the topic). Topics that are tag with the hash tag "#" allows Twitter to in a way indexed that word and create a data about it.

The topic is about what's disturbing. The Twitter trending topic is on #thatsdisturbing and here are some excerpts in the Twitter world:

You 30 and you still playing w/ action figures #thatsdisturbing

a babe havn an adams apple nd a voice deeper than shaqs...#thatsdisturbing

Chic has more facial hair than I do #ThatsDisturbing

#thatsdisturbing when you're watching horror by yourself...

when u ask many question like a detective #thatsdisturbing

Seeing someone u know die in front of u...#thatsdisturbing

A woman with feet bigger than Shaq's... #thatsdisturbing     

How about you what do you consider disturbing? You can add up here by posting in the comment box or clicking retweet and adding the #thatsdisturbing at the end .

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010:Philippine National Election

Today the Philippines is electing government officials from the highest to the municipal level.

It has been a history that it would be a bloody election. Last year the clash between the Ampatuans and Mangudadatus in Maguindano has claimed about 70 lives including journalist. In other parts of the Philippines reports of destroying the PICOS machines were noted a day or hours before election and a sadder news just hours after the start of the election 4 were killed. Even civilians just refusing to be bought was just shot at point blank. The question that always run in my mind why does it has to be like this?

Lives are taken for just a position which pays only a small amount. So many people wanted to grab seats of power. Have they not known that being elected is a sacrifice. It should be a seat of lifelong sacrifice to serve fellow man and not to serve oneself and its allies. I have seen this mentality for my family as well is in politics. Good thing I never dip my foot to it. Back then my brother was considering me to run as barangay SK chairman just like many of my cousins in different barangays in our town. Sons and daugthers are force to run for a seat in government to preserve power and then it will be a continuous cycle of interchange. The former mayor runs as congressman and the former congressman runs as governor then after one term the governor runs for mayor and the mayor runs for congressman....a line of what we call TRAPO(Traditional Politicians)

What Philippines need are statesmen. Men who does not run for fame, power and money but rather men who run for the better management of the country. The Philippines has long been longing for this but the powerful and influential has always abuse the poverty and ignorance of the masses. The few elite men are blinded by the promises and positions that they will get once they side with the Trapo, and the few great men are easily push around due to lack of support and lack of machinery to topple down the dynasty.

All I could do is to pray for the fate of the Philippines. A few more hours and the election will really start; counting the votes is one of the darkest hours of the election. Many politicians will kill just to win, just to make sure they get the votes. I pray for the safety of the canvassers, watchers, teachers, media, observers, and all Filipino doing there best for a fair, clean and honest results of this May 10, 2010 election. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Human nature of wanting more

(Picture courtesy of Single Mind)

Lately I have joined the forum I used to comment and share with and this topic has been a hot topic.

By nature, as we learned back in economics 101, man has an unlimited wants and needs. Because of this notion we developed a mentality of greed and envy, two of the seven capital sins. When we were born we were just small creatures dependent to our parents. When we grow to childhood we are faced with the experience of having things because our dads and moms love us that much so they buy things for us. We develop the sense of ownership then into a form of greed. We don't want other people to touch or play with our things. We keep on saying "mine, mine, mine" just like my little niece. 

Envy develops when we begin to compare what we have with others. Fueled by somebody else showiness and flagrant boasting that theirs is better than yours one begins to think that what they have is inferior or second class and because of that we feel the same way so we tend to want what they have in order to satisfy ourselves that we are not inferior to them. 

Wanting more in a sense is not that bad. If wanting more will lead you to greater achievements then it is a good thing. But it becomes bad when one pursues it just to be in the same level as others. Again envy starts when one compares oneself to  others. That is why one should have a standard on which one has to focus. In order for a person to say to himself has achieve something great one has to prove that to himself first before others.

This is something that most people don't grasp. Your inability to surpass your neighbor would only lead you to depression. Because you have to prove to your neighbor that you are better you forget to see clearly and that leads you to rather satisfy your neighbor's standard rather than yours. Isn't that insane. You rather do a lot of work and sacrifices just not to be branded as second class. In the end you will regret that it seems that you have never live the fullness of life because you have been chasing the wind for all of your life.

As I have always advice others life is a choice. You choose your standards. You choose your battles. If for you the only important thing in life is to surpass somebody else then what would happen if you did surpass them? I think life will be boring and all your efforts would have been a waste because in the end all the things that you bought out of envy will just be there dusting because in reality you will get bored with them and you wont be able to play or enjoy them because you have to work harder and longer to pay them of. In truth you just traded it for another thing called DEBT and you also loss one great thing which is called TIME.